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Course Catalog All

Course Title Program Units
CE-011 Engineered Systems and Sustainability CEE 3
CE-024 Freshman Seminars CEE 1
CE-030 (C) Introduction to Solid Mechanics CEE 3
CE-030 (W) Introduction to Solid Mechanics CEE 3
CE-039 Freshman/Sophomore Seminars CEE 2-4
CE-060 Structure and Properties of Civil Engineering Materials CEE 3
CE-070 Engineering Geology CEE 3
CE-084 Sophomore Seminar CEE 1-2
CE-088B Time Series Analysis: Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding CEE 2
CE-088 (C) Data Science for Smart Cities CEE 2
CE-092 Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering CEE 1
CE-092A Design for Future Infrastructure Systems CEE 2
CE-092B Cornerstone Structural Design CEE 2
CE-093 Engineering Data Analysis CEE 3
CE-098 Supervised Group Study and Research CEE 1-3
CE-099 Supervised Independent Study and Research CEE 1-4
CE-100 Elementary Fluid Mechanics CEE 4
CE-101 Fluid Mechanics of Rivers, Streams, and Wetlands CEE 3
CE-103N (C) Terrestrial Hydrology CEE 4
CE-104 Planetary Boundaries and the Anthropocene CEE 1
CE-105 Design for Global Transformation CEE 3
CE-106 (C) Air Pollution CEE 3
CE-107 Climate Change Mitigation CEE 3
CE-108 Climate Change Adaptation CEE 3
CE-110 Water Systems of the Future CEE 3
CE-111 Environmental Engineering CEE 3
CE-111L Water and Air Quality Laboratory CEE 1
CE-112 Water & Wastewater Systems Design and Operation CEE 3
CE-113 Ecological Engineering for Water Quality Improvement CEE 3
CE-114 Environmental Microbiology CEE 3
CE-115 Water Chemistry CEE 3
CE-116 (C) Chemistry of Soils CEE 3
CE-119 Data and Equity in Environmental Engineering CEE 3
CE-120 Structural Engineering CEE 3
CE-121 Structural Analysis CEE 3
CE-122 Design of Steel Structures CEE 3
CE-122L Structural Steel Design Project CEE 1
CE-123 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures CEE 3
CE-123L Structural Concrete Design Project CEE 1
CE-124 Structural Design in Timber CEE 3
CE-126 Engineering Dynamics and Vibrations CEE 3
CE-132 Applied Structural Mechanics CEE 3
CE-133 (C) Engineering Analysis Using the Finite Element Method CEE 3
CE-138 (C) Flight Vehicle Structures and Aeroelasticity CEE 3
CE-140 Failure Mechanisms in Civil Engineering Materials CEE 3
CE-152 Civil and Environmental Engineering Systems Analysis CEE 3
CE-153 Transportation Facility Design CEE 3
CE-154 (C) Introduction to Urban and Regional Transportation Planning CEE 3
CE-155 Transportation Systems Engineering CEE 3
CE-156 Infrastructure Planning and Management CEE 3
CE-157 Sustainable Aviation and Infrastructure CEE 3
CE-160D Data Science in Aviation CEE 3
CE-165 Concrete Materials, Construction, and Sustainability CEE 3
CE-166 Construction Engineering CEE 3
CE-167 Engineering Project Management CEE 3
CE-169A Web-Based Systems for Engineering and Management CEE 1
CE-169B Database Systems for Engineering and Management CEE 1
CE-169C Visualization and Simulation for Engineering and Management CEE 1
CE-170A Infrastructure Sensing and Modeling CEE 3
CE-171 Rock Mechanics CEE 3
CE-172 Introduction to Rock Mechanics CEE 3
CE-172 (C) Remote Sensing of the Environment CEE 4
CE-173 Groundwater and Seepage CEE 3
CE-174 Engineering Geomatics CEE 3
CE-175 Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering CEE 3
CE-176 Environmental Geotechnics CEE 3
CE-178 (C) Applied Geophysics CEE 3
CE-179 Geosystems Engineering Design CEE 3
CE-180 Life-Cycle Design and Construction CEE 4
CE-186 Design of Internet-of-Things for Smart Cities CEE 3
CE-187 Emerging Technologies for Public Health CEE 3
CE-188 Carbon Capture and Storage CEE 3
CE-190 Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering CEE 1-4
CE-190S Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering CEE 3
CE-191 Civil and Environmental Engineering Systems Analysis CEE 3
CE-192 The Art and Science of Civil and Environmental Engineering Practice CEE 1
CE-193 Engineering Risk Analysis CEE 3
CE-194 (H) Honors Undergraduate Research CEE 3-4
CE-197 Field Studies in Civil Engineering CEE 1-4
CE-198 Directed Group Study for Advanced Undergraduates CEE 1-4
CE-199 Supervised Independent Study CEE 1-4
CE-200A Environmental Fluid Mechanics I ENV 3
CE-200B Environmental Fluid Mechanics II ENV 3
CE-200C Transport and Mixing in the Environment ENV 3
CE-202A Vadose Zone Hydrology ENV 3
CE-202B Geostatistics and Stochastic Hydrogeology ENV 3
CE-203N Surface Water Hydrology ENV 3
CE-204 Planetary Boundaries and the Anthropocene ENV 1
CE-205B Margins of Quality for Engineered Systems COS 3
CE-206 Water Resources Management ENV 3
CE-206N Planning and Management of Environmental and Water Systems ENV 3
CE-209 Design for Sustainable Communities ENV 3
CE-210 Control of Water-Related Pathogens ENV 3
CE-211A Water Quality Engineering ENV 3
CE-211B Environmental Biological Processes ENV 3
CE-212 Water Quality Engineering ENV 3
CE-213 Watersheds and Water Quality ENV 3
CE-214 Environmental Analytical Chemistry ENV 3
CE-215 Emerging Technologies for Water Sustainability ENV 3
CE-216 Hazardous and Industrial Waste Treatment ENV 3
CE-217 Environmental Chemical Kinetics ENV 3
CE-218A Air Quality Engineering ENV 3
CE-218B Atmospheric Aerosols ENV 3
CE-218C Air Pollution Modeling ENV 3
CE-219 Fluid Flow in Environmental Processes ENV 3
CE-220 Structural Analysis Theory and Applications SEMM 3
CE-220N Nonlinear Structural Analysis SEMM 3
CE-221 Nonlinear Structural Analysis SEMM 3
CE-222 Finite Element Methods SEMM 3
CE-223 Earthquake Protective Systems SEMM 3
CE-224 Computer-Aided Engineering SEMM 3
CE-225 Dynamics of Structures SEMM 3
CE-226 Stochastic Structural Dynamics SEMM 3
CE-227 Earthquake-Resistant Design SEMM 3
CE-228 Advanced Earthquake Analysis SEMM 3
CE-229 Structural System Reliability SEMM 3
CE-231 (C) Mechanics of Solids SEMM 3
CE-232 Structural Mechanics SEMM 3
CE-233 Computational Mechanics SEMM 3
CE-234 Computational Inelasticity SEMM 3
CE-235 (C) Introduction to Statistical Mechanics for Engineers GEO 3
CE-236 (C) Micromechanics SEMM 3
CE-237 Computational Nano-mechanics SEMM 3
CE-240 Civil Engineering Materials SEMM 3
CE-241 Concrete Technology SEMM 3
CE-242 Concrete Behavior SEMM 3
CE-244 Reinforced Concrete Structures SEMM 3
CE-245 Behavior of Reinforced Concrete SEMM 3
CE-246 Prestressed Concrete Structures SEMM 3
CE-247 Design of Steel and Composite Structures SEMM 3
CE-248 Behavior and Plastic Design of Steel Structures SEMM 3
CE-249 Experimental Methods in Structural Engineering SEMM 3
CE-250N (C) Transportation Policy and Planning ENV 3
CE-251 Operation of Transportation Facilities TRANS 3
CE-252 Systems Analysis in Transportation TRANS 3
CE-253 Intelligent Transportation Systems TRANS 3
CE-254 Transportation Economics TRANS 3
CE-254G Global Metropolitan Studies: Introduction to Theories, Histories & Methods TRANS 3
CE-255 Highway Traffic Operations TRANS 3
CE-256 Transportation Sustainability TRANS 3
CE-256N Transportation Management and Planning TRANS 3
CE-257 Sustainable Aviation and Infrastructure TRANS 3
CE-258 Logistics TRANS 3
CE-258 (C) Supply Chain and Logistics Management TRANS 3
CE-259 Public Transportation Systems TRANS 3
CE-260 Air Transportation TRANS 3
CE-260D Data Science in Aviation TRANS 3
CE-261 Infrastructure Systems Management TRANS 3
CE-262 Analysis of Transportation Data TRANS 3
CE-263N Scalable Spatial Analytics SYS 3
CE-263H (C) Human Mobility and Network Science TRANS 3
CE-264 Behavioral Modeling for Engineering, Planning, and Policy Analysis TRANS 3
CE-265 (C) Traffic Safety and Injury Control TRANS 3
CE-266B Marketing and Management of International Construction and Engineering COS 3
CE-267B Advanced Concrete Construction COS 3
CE-267F High-Tech Building and Industrial Construction COS 3
CE-268A Lean Construction Concepts and Methods COS 3
CE-268B Lean Construction and Supply Chain Management COS 3
CE-268C Strategic Issues of the Engineering Construction Industry COS 3
CE-268D Law for Engineers COS 3
CE-268E Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment COS 3
CE-268F Management of Technology: Engineering Leadership and Teamwork COS 3
CE-268G Ground Construction COS 3
CE-268H Advanced Project Planning and Control COS 3
CE-268I Business Fundamentals for Engineers COS 3
CE-268K Human and Organizational Factors: Quality and Reliability of Engineered Systems COS 3
CE-268S Buildings and Sustainability COS 3
CE-270 Advanced Geomechanics GEO 3
CE-271 Sensors and Signal Interpretation GEO 3
CE-272 Numerical Modelling in Geomechanics GEO 3
CE-273 Advanced GeoEngineering Testing and Design GEO 3
CE-275 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering GEO 3
CE-276 Earth Structures GEO 3
CE-276 (C) Seismic Hazard Analysis and Design Ground Motions GEO 3
CE-277 Advanced Foundation Engineering GEO 3
CE-278 Infrastructure Sensing and Modeling GEO 3
CE-280 Rock Mechanics GEO 3
CE-281 Engineering Geology GEO 3
CE-283 Geological Engineering of Underground Openings GEO 3
CE-285C Seismic Methods in Applied Geophysics GEO 3
CE-286 Digital Data Processing SYS 3
CE-289 (C) Cyber Physical System Design Prinicples and Applications SEMM 4
CE-290 Advanced Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering CEE 1-3
CE-290A Human and Organizational Factors: Quality and Reliability of Engineered Systems CEE 3
CE-290F Advanced Topics in Seismology GEO 3
CE-290G Advanced Topics in Potential and Electromagnetic Fields and Inversion GEO 3
CE-290I Civil Systems: Control and Information Management CEE 3
CE-290J Advanced Topics in Geotechnical Engineering GEO 3
CE-290L Law for Engineers COS 3
CE-290M Improving Performance in Engineering and Construction COS 3
CE-290N Advanced Construction Engineering COS 3
CE-290P Strategic Issues of the Engineering Construction Industry COS 3
CE-290T Advanced Topics in Transportation Theory TRANS 1
CE-290Z Selected Topics in Air Transportation TRANS 2
CE-290K (C) Topics in Fluid Mechanics CEE 1-2
CE-290U (C) Transportation and Land Use Planning ENV 3
CE-290V (C) Transportation Finance ENV 3
CE-291D Data-driven Control Methods for Civil Engineering CEE 3
CE-291G Advanced Estimation, Control, and Optimization of Partial Differential Equations CEE 3
CE-291F (C) Control and Optimization of Distributed Parameters Systems CEE 3
CE-292A Technologies for Sustainable Societies CEE 1
CE-292B Climate Resilient Infrastructure Design Studio CEE 3
CE-293 Uncertainty Quantification for Engineering CEE 3
CE-293A (C) Technology and Sustainability CEE 2
CE-294 Disaster Risk Analysis of Infrastructure Systems CEE 3
CE-295 Data Science for Energy CEE 3
CE-297 Field Studies in Civil and Environmental Engineering CEE 1-12
CE-298 Group Studies, Seminars, or Group Research CEE 1-6
CE-299 Individual Research CEE 1-12
CE-375 Workshop for Future Civil and Environmental Engineering Teachers CEE 2
CE-601 Individual Study for Master's Students CEE 1-6
CE-602 Individual Study for Doctoral Students CEE 1-6